How-to Add Code::Blocks PPA for Ubuntu Based Distros

The Guide Show How-to Add the Latest Code::Blocks PPA Repository for Linux Ubuntu Based Desktops.

And Code::Blocks for Ubuntu is a Free C, C++ and Fortran IDE built to meet the most demanding needs of its users. It is Designed to be very Extensible and fully Configurable.

Enable Latest Code::Blocks Ubuntu PPA - Rocket Launcher
  1. Open a Command Line Console Session

  2. Enabling the Code::Blocks Apt PPA

    sudo su -c "apt-add-repository ppa:pasgui/ppa"

  3. Refresh Apt Repositories

    sudo su -c 'apt-get update'

    And for Ubuntu 18.04+ if you find a Not Found Issue then Amend it Manually:

    sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*pasgui*.list

    And Change the Release to ‘bionic’!
    Ctrl+x to Save & Exit from nano Editor.

  4. Installing Code::Blocks

    Code::Blocks Installation