Get & Burn Bodhi 3.x Linux Desktop Installation Media
Here below You find Link to Download and Burn to CD/DVD/USB the Latest Bodhi 3.x GNU+Linux 32/64bit Desktop Installation ISO.
Bodhi Linux is an Ubuntu-based distribution for the desktop featuring the elegant and lightweight Enlightenment window manager.
The team behind Bodhi Linux works to make the distribution as lean as possible and believes that the end user should be able to chose the applications that they want rather than have a bunch of preinstalled applications that no one wants to use.
Notable Features in the Bodhi Linux 3.x release:
- Wireless bug fix
- All package updates
- Web app launcher of the Bodhi AppCenter

Download Latest Linux Bodhi 3.x 32/64bit ISO
Burning Linux Bodhi Installation ISO to CD/DVD/USB
Burning Linux ISO to CD/DVD on Windows/Mac/Linux