How-to Add HipChat Apt Repository for Ubuntu/Debian Based GNU/Linux OSs

Setup HipChat Repo for Ubuntu/Debian Based

The Linux Tutorial Shows You Step-by-Step How-to Enable the HipChat Apt Repository on Ubuntu/Debian Based GNU/Linux Desktops.

HipChat combine the power of Group Chat and the simplicity of consumer IM services with the administrative controls that Companies need.

Enabling HipChat apt Repo for Ubuntu/Debian OSs - Featured

  1. Open a Shell Terminal emulator session
    (Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)

    Enabling HipChat Repository for Ubuntu/Debian - Open Terminal

  2. Logging in as SuperUser

    • For Ubuntu Based Systems:
      sudo su
    • For Debian Based Systems:
      su -

    If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then Look: Solution

  3. Enabling HipChat Apt Repository for Ubuntu/Debian

    echo "deb stable main" \
    > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/atlassian-hipchat.list


    wget -O - | apt-key add -


    apt-get update