Preparing and Installing Linux Debian 7 Wheezy Lxde Desktop
Here Below Guide to How-to Download, Create an Installation Media and Install the Linux Debian Wheezy 7 Stable i386/amd64 Lxde Desktop.
Understand that the job of Debian is, and always has been, to produce Stable. The other releases are means to that end. You may find the other releases perfectly usable for whatever use you have for them.

Downloading Linux Debian Stable/Wheezy-7 Installable Lxde Desktop ISO CD
Download Linux Debian Stable/Wheezy-7 i386 Lxde Desktop
Download Linux Debian Stable/Wheezy-7 amd64 Lxde Desktop
Burning Linux Debian Media ISO
How-to Burn Linux Mint Installation Media to CD/DVD