Get the Next Manjaro Linux 0.90 Desktop Installation Media
Here below You find Link to Download and Burn to CD/DVD the Next Manjaro Linux 0.90 Pre-Release Desktop Installation ISO.
Manjaro Linux is an User Friendly Linux distribution, based on Arch Linux, which utilizes the Xfce desktop environment, a rolling release update model, and the Pacman package manager.
The Linux Manjaro 0.90 Feature New modern Graphical Installer framework called ‘Calamares‘ QT5 and Python3 based.
With this new release of Manjaro KDE Plasma 5 providing a visually updated core desktop experience that is easy to use and familiar to the user. Changes under the hood of KDE include the migration to a new, fully hardware-accelerated graphics stack centered around an OpenGL(ES) scenegraph.

Download Linux Manjaro 0.90 Xfce Desktop ISO
Download Linux Manjaro 0.90 KDE Plasma 5 Desktop ISO