Get & Burn Kali 2.0 GNU/Linux
Here Below You find Links to How-to Download and Burn to CD/DVD Disk the Latest Linux Kali 2.0 i386/amd64 Desktop Installation ISO Release.
Kali Linux (formerly known as BackTrack) is a Debian-based distribution with a collection of Penetration Testing, Forensics and Reverse Engeneering Tools.
To Install the Kali 2.0 Linux Desktop You can Get either the Minimal or the Neinstall ISO.
Linux Kali 2.0 New Features at a glance:
- Linux Kernel 4.0+
- Based on Debian Jessie
- Support for various Desktop Environments (gnome, kde, xfce, mate, e17, lxde, i3wm)
- Updated Desktop Environments & Tools

Download Linux Kali 2.0 Desktop ISO
Download Linux Kali 2.0 64bit ISO by Bittorrent
Burning Linux Media ISO to CD/DVD
Burning Linux Installation ISO to CD/DVD on Windows/Mac/Linux