Preparing Linux Zorin OS 9 Desktop Installation Media
Here Below Guide to How-to Download and Prepare for Installation Burning to CD/DVD/USB the Linux Zorin OS 9 Core/Lite/Educational-Lite/Educational i386/amd64 Gnome/Lxde Desktop ISO.
All Zorin OS 9 editions are Based on Ubuntu 14.04 long-term support (LTS) releases which means that you’ll continue to get software updates and security fixes until 2019, making it the ideal choice for large-scale deployments.”
The main focus for Zorin OS 9 has been on stability and the refinement of Zorin OS’s wide array of incredible features. Firstly, Zorin OS 9 includes a myriad of updated software and bug fixes to ensure that your computer runs better than ever.

Download & Burn Linux Zorin OS 9 ISOs
- Get & Burn Linux Zorin OS 9 Core ISO
- Get & Burn Linux Zorin OS 9 Lite ISO
- Get & Burn Linux Zorin OS 9 Educational-Lite ISO
- Get & Burn Linux Zorin OS 9 Educational ISO