HP OfficeJet Pro 8500/a/wireless Printer QuickStart for Linux Ubuntu/Debian Based
The Guide Include Links to Download and Install the HP Printer OfficeJet Pro 8500/a/wireless .deb Printer Drivers for Linux-Mint/Lubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu/Elementary-OS/Kali and others Ubuntu/Debian GNU/Linux Based Systems.
To make it easier and uniform the installation process HP has set up a Printer Driver Installer for Ubuntu/Debian GNU/Linux.
For HP multifunctional printer models you will also find the step-by-step guide to quickstart scanning.

How-to Download HP OfficeJet Pro 8500/a/wireless Printer Drivers for Linux
Get HP OfficeJet Pro 8500/a/wireless Printer Debian/Ubuntu Drivers -
How-to Install HP Printer OfficeJet Pro 8500/a/wireless Printer Drivers for Ubuntu/Debian:
Quick-Start HP OfficeJet Pro 8500/a/wireless Printer on Debian/Ubuntu