Samsung ML-2240 QuickStart on Linux Ubuntu
The Linux Tutorial Shows You How-to Download and Install the Samsung ML-2240 Black and White Multifunction Laser Printer and Scanner Drivers for Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus LTS 32/64bit GNU/Linux.
This installation is performed using Unified Linux Driver provided directly from the Samsung corporation.
To thhe bottom of this guide you will find a link to the Documentation and Troubleshooting for the Samsung ML-2240 Printer.

Download Samsung ML-2240 Printer & Scanner Drivers for Ubuntu
Double-Click on Archive and Extract into /tmp
Or from Shell:
tar xvzf ~/Downloads/U*L*D*.tar.gz -C /tmp
Open a Shell Terminal emulator window
Ctr+Alt+t on Desktop
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands) -
Installing the Samsung ML-2240 Printer Drivers
Change to the Target Directory:cd /tmp/cdroot/Linux
Run the Wizard Installer:
sudo ./
Accept the License and Continue
Select Your User and Continue
Choose if the printer has Lpt connection and Continue
Then You’ll be Prompted to Add Your Samsung ML-2240 Printer
The Printer must to be properly Connected by the USB Cable!
Finally, the Samsung ML-2240 Printer is Sucessfully installed 🙂
Samsung ML-2240 Printer Documentation & Troubleshooting