Command Line QuickStart for Ubuntu 17.04
Hello Ubuntu User! This Tutorial Shows You Step-by-step How-to Getting-Started with the Bash Commands on Ubuntu 17.04 Zesty Zapus GNU/Linux.
First, this is Just a ‘Quick and Dirty’ Introduction to the Command Line Basic Instructions on the Console/Terminal Bash Shell emulator.
Most noteworthy: this Tutorial is Step-by-Step and You Can Just Getting-Started Following and Executing each Command without any Harm for Your System π
Furthermore, take into account how only the ‘Practice Makes the Master‘; so ‘Take it Easy!‘ π
Finally, most Commands should Works also on the others Linux Shells like: Bourne, C, TC and Korn.

Launching Ubuntu Terminal
Press: Ctrl+Alt+t
Or: Cmd/Win and Search ‘terminal’
Press “Enter” to Execute Commands on Console -
To List a Directory’s Contents
(Directories and Files included)
ls [/path]
For Example to List the Content of the Root Directory:
ls /
Or to List the Content of the Home Directory:
ls $HOME
To Change Directory
cd [/path]
For Example to Go into the Home Directory:
cd $HOME
To Make Directories and Files
To Create a Directory do:
mkdir [/path]/myDirectory
For Instance:
mkdir $HOME/test
To Create a Blank File do:
touch [/path]/myFile
For Instance:
touch $HOME/test/test
To Copy Directories and Files
To Copy a Single File:
cp [/path]/myFile1 [/path]/toTargetDirectory/myEventualNewFileName
(After a ‘\’ to Press ‘Enter’ the Command is Not Executed but instead only a ‘Carriage Return’ Like in a Typewriter)
To Copy Multiple Files:cp [/path]/myFile1 ... [/path]/myFileN \ [/path]/toTargetDirectory/
For Instance to Copy a Single File:
cp $HOME/test/test $HOME/test/hello
To Copy a Single Directory:
cp -r [/path]/myDirectory1 [/path]/toTargetDirectory/myEventualDirectoryName
To Copy Multiple Directories:
cp -r [/path]/myDirectory1 ... [/path]/myDirectoryN \ [/path]/toTargetDirectory/
Now for Instance to Copy a Single Directory do:
cp -r $HOME/test $HOME/hello
To Move Directories and Files
Moving a Single File:
mv [/path]/myFile1 [/path]/toTargetDirectory/myEventualNewFileName
To Move Multiple Files:
mv [/path]/myFile1 ... [/path]/myFileN \ [/path]/toTargetDirectory/
The Same Command is Valid Also for Directories!
Now for Instance to Move a Single File do:mv $HOME/test/test $HOME/hello/hello
To Delete Directories and Files
To Delete a File do:
rm [/path]/myFile
For Instance:
rm $HOME/test/test
Removing a Directory do:
rm -rf [/path]/myDirectory
For Instance:
rm -rf $HOME/test
How-to Get the Admin Super-Powers
To Login as SuperUser:
sudo su
If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then Look: Solution
To Logout from SuperUser:exit
(To Protect Your System from the possible Damages of an Hazardous ‘Crazy’ Command Execution the Logout ‘Should’ be Executed Every Time a Conscious and Meaningful Series of Commands has been Achieved… )
To Execute a Command as SuperUser:sudo su -c 'myCommand'
sudo myCommand
How-to Set Permissions on Ubuntu File System:
Here is achieved the ‘Quick&Dirty’ Initiation to the Ubuntu Command Line Sphere π
I’ll be Back Very Soon to Show the Basics of the Apt Software Packages and Repository Administration Commands!